Your words matter.

If you’ve got something to say and would like to contribute to The Doula’s Kitchen Blog, then I’d really love to hear from you. Sharing information, building communities and raising our voices to be heard is a very beautiful and necessary thing.

THIS is lockdown.
Elizabeth Watson Elizabeth Watson

THIS is lockdown.

@mumologist posted yesterday about the importance of sharing the messy, chaotic and the fretful; because on these (mostly) beautiful squares the potential to feel inadequate is great indeed. 

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Dear Lizzie and your ADHD brain,
Elizabeth Watson Elizabeth Watson

Dear Lizzie and your ADHD brain,

My kitchen is full of children. All. Of. The. Time. 

Dear Lizzie, 
I just wanted to confirm that it really IS a big adjustment to facilitate home learning for a 12, 10 and 6 year old whilst you’re working.

It’s also ALL the feels for your ADHD Brilliant Brain (which only  digs it’s heels in and waves frantically these days at times such as this) and this feels like a craving for deep hyper focus. That’s ok. 

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Home learning; don’t look up at the mountain.
Elizabeth Watson Elizabeth Watson

Home learning; don’t look up at the mountain.

Here we are again. 

#youngestwatson got up this morning and said he wished to wear his school uniform because he thought it would help. I think it has. He did decide that perhaps his school shoes weren’t necessary. I think he’s right.

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