Don’t take my word for it!

What my clients say...

“You have helped us all get off to the best start possible.”

– Postnatal Doula Clients

“I do also feel confident now in being able to manage {both children} as you have provided me with so many tips, examples and demonstrations for enjoying our new family unit.”

– Postnatal Doula Client

“More valuable than the items you brought with you is the calm, consistent, fun and imaginative energy you bring, with tips for every occasion.”

– Postnatal Doula Clients

“We have learnt so much and are so grateful to you for all your help and insights.”

– Postnatal Doula Clients

“I just wanted to say thank you for all your help and sessions on hypnobirthing- it all helped to make it an amazing birth. I am still a little overwhelmed and overjoyed by the whole thing!”

– Hypnobirthing Client

“The overnight support has been invaluable and has really helped us both.”

– Postnatal Doula Clients

“Think we’ve turned a corner and it’s all down to your support. My goodness you are a total marvel and born to doula.”

– Birth Doula Client

“From the very first moment of your arrival with a basket of nutritious soups, broths and energy balls, to providing carriers, cloth nappies, play dough, sticker books and more, you have helped us all get off to the best start possible.”

– Postnatal Doula Clients


“You were born for this and provide such incredible support.”

– Birth Doula Client


“I adore your messages. I think I might even print them all out for the most wonderful booklet of encouragement for by my bed when I need that boost.”

– Birth and Postpartum Doula Client


Lizzie is an amazing active listener and gave everyone space to be themselves. She is humble about her achievements, is very confident and an excellent public speaker. A great story teller.

– Doula Peer


“Lizzie was amazing. Her calm and positive attitude gave me confidence to open up to myself and find the honesty in my own thoughts, about my life.
Her ability to help me see my future as here and now, this minute, this day, tomorrow, has given me a new perspective on the pressures I place on myself to achieve.
I came out of the session feeling motivated and excited to start things I’ve put off because… ‘tomorrow.’…!
Instead of seeing a long hard trek ahead of me, I look at the small steps and feel so much less overwhelmed by life.
If you want to get your outlook on life positively altered, don’t hesitate - there’s nothing more empowering than having someone in your corner cheering you on. ”

– Maggie: Coaching Client


Lizzie is kind, talented and interesting.

– Doula Peer


“Lizzie has a beautiful way of cutting through the things we put as obstacles in front of our dreams.
She is absolutely right when she says that we don't have to ''know it all, or be it all,'' & that our visions need ''nurturing like a baby,” before they leave the nest to take flight.
I feel sparks of energy & excitement to re-look at a project I repeatedly look at... then abandon... then mull over... then reconsider... then get cold feet, blah -de-blah........
So with tentative steps, today, I will take that one step towards my dream, not away from it!
Thank you Lizzie, for inspiring me.”

– Melanie: Coaching Client


“Lizzie, it was lovely to meet you and share the start of our doula journey together.
Your attentiveness, great listening skills and positive attitude are your unique strengths, and will greatly benefit all the families you support.”

– Doula Peer


“I just wanted to say a massive thank you for our beautiful session this morning; it felt very relaxed and safe, and incredibly positive.
I felt motivated and focused sharing my thoughts and ideas with you.”

– Mary: Coaching Client