Birth Bug-Bear; Birth IS you. (It doesn’t happen TO you.)

Big birth bug-bear.

“So, because my body has never birthed a baby before, I’m just going to let the journey unfold and allow for events to happen as they will.” *said I.

(Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no...)

Here’s the thing - you don’t have to ‘just wait and see’ or ‘go with the flow’ or ‘let the professionals take control’ when you have your first baby; because you ‘don’t know how your body will cope’ or ‘because you’ve never birthed before’ or because, ‘as long as baby is ok, I’m cool with the process.’

Why, in the name of all things womb-like, do we STILL think this?

It’s a big birth world myth that you don’t know how you might birth until you’ve done it once, and that all bets are off; a journey into the unknown where birth happens TO you.

Well birth doesn’t happen TO you - it IS you. It happens WITH you and your baby.

Being educated and informed about your body, your birth and your rights within the journey, allows for birth to be an empowered, transformative and darn right momentous moment in time.

Don’t go into it passively.

Go in strong.

And most of all, go in knowing.

#doulasupport #doulasupportedbirth #dorsetdoula #somersetdoula #hypnobirthing #birtheducation #antenataleducation #informedchoice #birthingboldly #firstbaby #due2021


We’re all winging it.


How do I get into the NOW moment?