
The Calm Birth Method.


I am a qualified hypnobirthing practitioner with The Calm Birth School.

This is a complete* birth education course using The Calm Birth Method.

*10 hours of birth education divided into manageable sessions. In person or online evenings (weekends at your request, upon availability.)

You can begin a Hypnobirthing course from week 20 of your pregnancy and I recommend that you complete a course by week 36 to allow plenty of time for you to practice and gain the full benefits for the rest of your pregnancy and your birth.


My classes bring you evidence-based information, resources and knowledge, alongside my professional experience as a doula and mindset coach, and my personal hypnobirthing journey.
They are empowering, practical and factual, and I will teach you;

  • how to use specific self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques for labour and birth.

  • to eliminate any fears you may hold so that you can birth confidently and calmly.

  • all about how labour and birth happens and how you can work with your body and your baby.

  • techniques as a birthing partner to support, hold and empower.

  • the importance of informed decision making and consent as you choose where and how to birth your baby.

The birth you want means taking control of your antenatal learning.
Knowledge is power and our bodies are capable of great things.
Power is in the preparation.

You will receive an exclusive welcome pack containing;

  • your own copy of Suzy Ashworth’s book The Calm Birth Method,

  • access to all TCBM MP3’s used to prepare for birth and postpartum.

  • Including - useful extras, carefully curated by me, from local suppliers and brands that follow The Doula’s Kitchen ethos and personality!

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My classes are carefully created to make your journey through pregnancy, and especially during your labour and birth, an empowered, positive and calm experience.

Contact me.

(+44) 7814648700


“Accessible, relatable hypnobirthing. The Gateway to positive birth.”

— The Calm Birth School