Client Reviews

Definitely don’t take MY word for it.

I love the little whispers between friends - the discussions that turn into “oh you should really meet (🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏾🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏽‍♂️) I’ve worked with them and they’ve helped me to…”. Because it’s about the FEELING you get when you’re with someone that matters.

✨Everything about you working with me has to feel right; I want you to like me, know me and trust me.
I want you to feel seen, heard and held. Because then all YOUR magic happens.💥

☂️Under the umbrella of The Doula’s Kitchen I’m a qualified life coach.
• I work with mindfulness, NLP and The Laws of the Mind.
• It’s a huge complementary element to being a hypnobirthing teacher and a doula.

I understand how to work through anxiety and fear-based patterns and ultimately change your mindset.
My coaching is spiritual, grounding and moving.
It’s about asking the right questions and finding the right resources.

📍Because I used* to have extreme emetophobia (a fear of being sick);
📍and because I have experienced postnatal health anxiety in varying degrees after every child;
📍and because I have lived within a trauma-based grief journey;
📍and because I have worked largely, and effectively, within releasing default-setting patterns within the neurodiverse brain.
(*Yes. I can now say that this extreme, debilitating, phobia is entirely scaled down to level zero. Even I still find this remarkable!) I hold you accountable for moving your own mind, getting out of your own way, telling your story and ultimately - Embracing Your Self.

The greatest growth happens AFTER we leap.

Come to the Edge. 🦋

**I’d like to note here that today, if you’re struggling - and even if you’re not - a chat with me will cost you nothing. I have been running a pay-what-you-can-afford recently (if you want a full session), because I know that it’s hard. But you’ve got to want to make a change.

#coaching #fearreleasecoach #mindsetcoach #hypnobirthing #doula #whatmyclientssay #makeachangetoday #dorset #somerset #sherborne #yeovil #emetophobia


✨What is the price of a positive birth experience?✨


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